About this Course

Course Description

This unit focuses on the skills needed for handling gas infrastructure emergencies. It covers responding to incidents involving gas distribution or transmission pipelines, ensuring safety, and documenting the response.

These incidents include gas leaks, outages, security breaches, fires, injuries, and damage.

The process involves assessing the situation, securing the area, and informing the response center. It also means coordinating with authorities, staying on-site safely until more help arrives, and reporting to the control center.

On-site staff identify gas leak sources, report to the response center, manage ignition sources, ensure ventilation and evacuation, and collaborate with authorities and emergency services.

This applies to gas distribution and transmission, following workplace safety rules.

No special licenses or certifications are needed for this section.


This course is offered at Carrum Downs, VIC

Course Outline

  • Onsite training available
  • Nationally recognised
  • Online booking available

Course Availability & Pricing

Please see our public course dates below. If there are no dates available or you would like to arrange a private course at your site or ours, then please select the ‘Private courses’ button.

Course Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course, participants will have gained the following skills and knowledge in:

  • Plan first on -site emergency response
  • Carry out first on -site emergency response
  • Complete response and relevant documentation
  • Confirm emergency/ incident and prepare to respond
  • Respond to an emergency/incident
  • Hand over emergency/incident and complete relevant documentation


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be provided with a Statement of Attainment.

A couple of man checking a sheet of paper

Important Information

If a participant withdraws from a qualification/unit, with less than seven (7) business days notice prior to commencement, Kallibr Training reserves the right to retain the 30% administration booking fee.

No refund will be provided within two (2) business days prior to commencement. No refund will be permitted after course commencement or if a participant fails to attend on the scheduled commencement date.

What to Expect

A Kallibr employee talking to a man

Enquiry Form

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